Semi-automatic scooter with gear for rent and Sale

A Semi-automatic scooter is lightweight. It’s size is not too big to lose the ease of control and balance. Suitable for a beginner who wants to learn how to drive a bike for the first time.

The Seat and Storage underneath the seat are a bit small. Suitable for one person traveling and the backpack.

This kind of bike has 4 gears. The shift gear normally on the left side, next to the footrest. You change gears by your left foot. and use the rear brake with the right one

With a semi, you start in a low gear and then work your way up to a higher gear the faster you go.

When you drive on flat roads, just stay the 4th gear.

When you stop for a red light and go, or drive up or drive down the hills, you should use the lower gear (1st-2nd gear as an engine break) when the engine need more power.

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