How to ride a motorbike for beginners

Nowadays, motorcycles are a common means of transportation in our country today, making traveling simpler. Students who ride a motorbike for the first time will undoubtedly experience numerous surprises, especially for those who are still learning to walk. Since this is your first time riding a motorbike, would like to provide you with some tips on how to do it safely.

Beginner’s Guide to Riding a Semi–Automatic Bike

Due to the wide variety of models available from various manufacturers, digital motorcycles are quite popular. There will undoubtedly be numerous surprises for anyone experiencing their first time behind the wheel of a digital vehicle. You can ask someone with expertise riding to sit on the back of a motorcycle to lead the way.

how to drive a semi automatic scooter

Here are some steps to take for riding a semi-automatic bike.

  • Step 1: Sit on the bike and relax your feet to the ground. Alternately, you might slant your body to one side and use one foot as a balancing aid.
  • Step 2: Insert the key in the lock and turn to unlock the bike. The vehicle will be in N gear at this point (green light).
  • Step 3: Lift the anti-tilt leg. Apply the brake or press the foot brake at the same moment. You may use the handbrake or foot brake while holding the brake, but you must press the start button to start the engine.
  • Step 4: Switch to gear, release the brake slowly and twist the throttle gradually to get the motorcycle moving. Never pull the throttle and release the brake immediately.
  • Step 5: Twist the throttle slowly to change to a higher gear once the motorcycle has begun to move. Keep the handbrake or footbrake in the ready position at all times.

Video tutorial on riding a semi–automatic bike for beginners

Note that the throttle should always remain stable while riding a motorcycle. Do not twist or suddenly decelerate the throttle.

When riding a motorcycle, one of the guidelines you need to keep in mind is: If you need to travel steadily, use a big gear level; if you need to pull quickly and strongly, choose a small gear level. Particularly, the effects of gear levels 1 and 2 cause the bike to accelerate swiftly and forcefully. When coming to a halt at a stop sign or accelerating forward, utilize this level. Or when you run up the bridge, up the slope, drive from the basement parking.

You’ll notice that the automobile sounds louder or more jerky at the start of the more stable phase. The gear has to be shifted to third or fourth at this stage. The motorcycle will then operate more steadily and be prepared to travel long distances.

It might be perplexing for first-time users when the automobile jerks when it shifts into first gear. Therefore, you can shift from gear level N to 4 when turning on the key to prevent the bike from picking up when you start it, which could result in a loss of composure.

Beginner’s Guide to Riding an Automatic Bike

A motor has an automated gearbox, making it simpler to ride than a manual bike. Unlike a manual bike, you won’t need to downshift or shift into gear. First-time scooter riders should apply the following techniques:

  • Step 1: Get on the bike and relax your feet to the ground. Alternately, you might slant your body to one side and use one foot as a balancing aid.
  • Step 2: To open the bike, insert the key into the lock and spin. You operate the remote to unlock new automobiles with smart locks. After that, to unlock, spin the bike lock in the direction indicated on the bike.
  • Step 3: Push the anti-tilt foot up when the Fi signal light on the watch turns off. Then, simultaneously depress the start button and squeeze the brake. The start button must be pressed while holding the brake, whether you grip one or both brakes.
  • Step 4: Slowly releasing the brake and softly twisting the throttle at the same time will allow the motorbike to accelerate gradually. Take cautiou not to abruptly release the brake after twisting the throttle with power.
  • Step 5: Use the throttle (right hand) and brake together to change the motorcycle’s speed while it is moving (left hand). To speed up, gently twist the throttle, and to slow down, carefully release it. Gently twist the throttle to accelerate and release the throttle slowly to slow down the vehicle. The motorbike must be brought to a complete stop by using the brake once it has started to slow down. Do not brake sharply or pull on the accelerate or decelerate aggressively.
    Video tutorial on riding an automatic bike for beginners

Beginner’s Guide to Riding a Manual Bike

Riding a manual bike is more difficult than controlling the two other types above. Riders of automatic or semi-automatic motorcycles still face many surprises when switching to a manual bike.

lessons to learn how to drive a manual motorcyle

A manual bike demands the rider to move both hands and feet in a flexible and coordinated manner. Here are some recommendations for beginners to practice riding a manual bike:

  • Clutch releasing practice: for those just learning how to ride a manual bike. To ensure your safety, pick a large region with low traffic. The left hand begins to release the clutch while not twisting the throttle in first gear. Release gradually up to the moment the bike starts to move slowly. When driving properly, the driver will be aware of when to release the clutch when the vehicle is moving. The throttle should then be twisted accordingly.

The bike will cut out if you release the clutch aggressively, if you don’t release the clutch enough, the bike will not move. If you don’t brake, it will drift downhill.

Video tutorial on riding a manual bike for beginners

  • Choose the right gear level: When riding a manual bike, you must choose the right gear level for the speed of the vehicle. With the low speed but using a high gear level, the vehicle may stall.

At slow speed, shift to a low gear level, when you need to increase speed, shift to a high gear level. By listening to the engine, you may determine if you are using the correct gear level. If the vehicle jerks and makes a screeching sound. In other words, you are shifting up a gear level beyond the rolling speed.

  • Do not pull the clutch all the way in while going down the slopes: When cutting the clutch, the motorcycle can drift faster since the engine brake is removed. However, it causes the motorcycle to lose traction and reduces the effect of the brakes. This is dangerous if the road is winding, with many bends.

Only use the clutch to shift gears and adjust the clutch when running with low gear levels or slow speed. Cutting the clutch to drop the slope can be dangerous for motorbike drivers at any time.

  • Rule 1 – 0 – 2: When operating a manual scooter, the rule of hook transmission is to step on gear level 1. Hook up to 2 but there is a mezzanine of 0. When at 1, hook half of the gear lever to zero. The strong hook will go up 2. Otherwise when at 2, pedal to half force will go down 0, push down hard 1.
  • Starting and stopping at gear level N (Neutral): Always start the vehicle in gear level N before shifting to 1. Never stay in 1, 2, and start the engine. Because the throttle might make you panic if you lose control of the clutch. Return to N, start the engine, make sure everything is ready, then enter gear level 1 to depart.

When arriving, some riders who are operating a manual motorcycle frequently stop with the gear at level 1, even 2, or 3. The engine can then be turned off by releasing the clutch on the motorcycle or by turning the key. This kind of driving is risky since, if one has not yet mastered a motorbike, it will be challenging to maintain control if one is not paying enough attention. To guarantee safety for the next time, please switch back to N before shutting off the engine.

Basic Skills Needed for First-Time Motorcycle Riders

Mastering how to ride a motorbike for beginners is crucial. Additionally, you also need to master the following skills when controlling a bike on the road:

Controling the speed

It is simpler for you to handle potential roadside problems if you can control the speed. At the same time, abide by the law of traffic. You should only accelerate if you consider there is an adequate distance in front of you to brake in the event of an unforeseen emergency.

Selecting the proper gear level

When driving on mountain roads with several steep passes, you should utilize a low gear level and keep in mind the “upshift, downshift” rule. Because a low gear level will aid in transmitting a lot of torque when traveling uphill. Additionally, the low gear level holds the vehicle during downhill travel so that the motorbike does not follow inertia, otherwise known as engine braking.

If the route is flat and less traffic, you should select a higher gear level to make the engine run steadily and keep the motorcycle moving at a constant speed.

Broad Observation

When driving, having a broad field of vision is always essential. Especially when traveling on small, narrow roads, many cuts in residential areas.
The wide view will help you to be ready to brake at any time by placing 1 or 2 fingers on the brake handle as a reaction fulcrum.

Always pay close attention when riding a motorbike on the road

Being aware of road signs

You must maintain a high level of focus at all times when riding a motorcycle on a public road. Always pay attention to and follow traffic signals including horns, turn signals, and signal lights to react promptly to any situation that may arise while driving.

Ensuring safety when passing other vehicles

In many situations, you should only pass large vehicles such as trucks and containers when there is enough space and time to actively throttle. If you don’t consider it, it is easy to fall into a passive state of unexpected situations such as the car in front of you braking sharply, turning to the sides…
However, you need to be especially careful that you can only pass other vehicles when ensuring safe observation, even on the opposite side of the lane. Need to turn signal – turn left to ask for directions, accompanied by a signal horn, and slowly twist the throttle.

This article has provided instructions on how to ride a motorcycle for beginners using common models on the market today. Hopefully, with the above sharing from Dung motorbike rental Saigon, readers will be able to ride a motorcycle successfully and safely on the road.

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